Nov 25, 2021Liked by Arieh Kovler

Thanks for the Thanksgiving dinner guide.

Part of the problem during this pandemic is poor messaging by CDC and FDA. Conflicting information, changing information and withholding information has eroded trust in our public health agencies. So some people are leery, scared and confused.

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yes I think this is absolutely true. Though it's not entirely their fault, because situations change and the science evolves. But being VERY sure that masks were bad before they were good. Communicating that vaccines don't stop transmission, then saying they do and flipping back to they don't, plus the awful messaging around airbourne disease vs droplets.... lots that could have been better.

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Total agreement! CDC, WHO, Cuomo, Trump, de Blasio & media FED 34K to a virus by spewing blatant falsehoods, to sacrifice "essential" workers (the new Black) while Creative Class™ & retired yuppies' NASDAQ portfolios jumped 80% and serendipitously vacant homes were flipped, chronically PASC indentured into 1099'd into virtual share-croppers. Sneeringly straw-manning, dismissing & conflating astute acknowledgement that most ACCURATE information about COVID was available, from clinicians' & epidemiologists' tweets, pre-pub studies & directly contradictory to Trump/ Biden obfuscation (kids can't spread Delta, we don't needs no steenkin mask LIES!) Conflating wacko MAGA cage-rattling & perfectly sensible resistance to being forked to PhARMA, FIRE Sector sharks by "our" party of sneering, senile kleptocrats isn't really helping as SCARY new variants predominate, uncontrollably?

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You missed this, although I don't believe it's a conspiracy, but rather a reasonable view - if mRNA vaccines are so safe, then why must I sign a waiver of rights to get one?

We still don't know the long term effects of the mRNA vaccine, and we also don't know how effective it is over the long term. Isn't it possible that the vaccine can make people more susceptible to some mutation of Covid later on? Isn't it also possible that getting Covid after being vaccinated can lead to a less effective immune response in the future (i.e., less robust than having had Covid without having had a vaccine)?

Still waiting for the Novavax vaccine. Why isn't it yet available in the US?

Too many Pfizer and Moderna executives are involved in setting government policy.

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mRNA is broken down by the body almost immediately to make spike proteins. There's no mRNA left after a few hours.

When we talk about "long term side effects" of vaccines we talk about stuff that happens immediately but lasts long-term. Vaccines just don't have effects that only pop up months or years later because the vaccine substance is gone within a couple of days tops.

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Are you familiar with the Marek's disease "imperfect vaccine hypothesis"? I would consider this to be a long term effect or consequence. (See https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous)

We don't yet know if this is happening or not. More people have died this year (including vaccinated people) than last year when nobody was vaccinated. Why are there so many breakthrough cases, and why are so many fully vaccinated dying? Why are there significantly more "excess deaths" this year than ever before? Could some of those be due to mRNA vaccine effects (such as myocarditis)?

I don't expect the vaccines to be risk free, but I also don't trust people who have admitted to lying to get people to do what they wish them to (like Dr. Fauci). More honesty and transparency would go much further toward convincing people than censorship in the name of "spreading misinformation," mocking and ridiculing, and politicizing these issues.

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If Trump had won, this Panglossian cherry-picking would be reversed. Magic-bullet BS had vaccinated, maskless sneering churl's spreading Delta, Lambda, Mu. Kleptocrats spewing facile, blatant lies (as 27 million kids were intentionally unleashed as vectors, just in time for new strains & the holidays!)

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There's no inherent reason for a mRNA technology to be safe, do you realize it, right? And, what is more, all the "technology" in these vaccines is devoted to bring this (modified) molecule into the cell and to make it remain there with good translational results (i.e. a toxic non-attenuated protein), and nobody thought what happens next. Do you realize this?

And, by the way, I didn't find an answer to the basic question: why should I take a vaccine for a disease that has a 1/1000 (look at statistics by age) probability of killing me, and indeed didn't kill me when I caught it?

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The Covid vaccines are now one of the most widely-used medications on the planet. There doesn't need to be any 'inherent' reason for them to be safe. 8 BILLION doses of mRNA-triggering adenovirus vector vaccines or direct mRNA vaccines have already been given, so we know they ARE safe.

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So what's your opinion about all cause mortality being 10-20% above normal in almost every high vaccinated country? It's hard to downplay this as a myth, since it's in the official surveillance statistics

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Covid vaccines are one of the most widely-used medications on the planet. So they must be good. Debunking is easy. Next question.

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